Siebe-Gorman standard diving dress and a 18th century diving bell
Honorable Master Öhman got an outing. Today he was wearing rather hefty shoes (fins were not in fashion when he was still active). An air pump was put on display too – and our diving bell Mårten, of course.
Shiny little shoes
A few pictures displaying other participants follow.
The search and rescue association arrived onboard three boatsNautic Club owns this fine dive vessel, m/s Tavi. It is equipped with central heating, a shower and a steam bath, industrial dish washer, and barbeque on deck, air, nitrox and trimix – and a unique world class underwater gps location system!Sukellusjaosto owns the fastest RIB of the roads. Fast and cost effective.Saaristomeren Sukeltajat’s brimming boat is equipped for an overnight dive trip to the outskirts of the archipelago.Pidä saaristo siistinä owns the katamaran Roska-Roope. It can swallow floating litter.