Our swedish friends Svensk Dykerihistorista Förening organises a historical diving event on 24.-26.5. in Stockholm at Dyktankhus next to the Vasa-museum. In the programme there is barbeque, festivities and diving demonstrations, a gala dinner, lectures and the event will end with a lunch.

A barbeque will be held on friday at 19.00 and the festivities commence on saturday at 10.00. This will also mark 40-year jubilee of the association. Afterwards there will be diving presentations. Bring your own “old” gear with you! A gala dinner will then take place on saturday night. On sunday, Anton Ludwig Fahnehjelm and Arne Zetterström give lectures. The event is ended with a lunch.
A limited number of sixty persons can attend and the price for the whole weekend is 1000 krona, roughly 92 euro.