November 2019 archive

Finnish diving history upto 1850’s

This is a partial translation only. The introductory chapter has been translated as well as headings and captions of images. The rest will get gradually translated, time permitting. We hope that the reader will get a glimpse into Finnish diving history by reading the translated parts. Google translate can be used where needed. 2019-12-08 versionText: …

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Maritime museum of Kaliningrad

Text by Jouko MoisalaTranslation by Ralf Strandell Kaliningrad is a part of former Soviet Union, now part of Russia. It is obvious that annexing it to Lithuania would have been difficult if not impossible, as it was and still is a very important naval base. The first thing to catch a visitors eye is submersible …

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Submerging with an aqualung

Mistralin nimilaattoja on painettu neljällä eri osoitteella valmistusosoitteesta riippuen.

The pioneer of diving, Jacques Cousteau, and engineer Emile Gagnan developed the first regulator in 1940s. The world-known Mistral regulator, which is still popular with historical diving enthusiasts, was developed a few years later. Text and photographs: Pekka LahtinenTranslation by Ralf Strandell “A child has never opened a christmas present more excited than we were …

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