Category: Society

Sukellusjaosto pays a visit to our museum on 6.6.2019

Turun NMKY:n Sukellusjaosto pays a visit to our museum on 6th June 2019 at 18.00. As an expert guide we have Jouko Moisala and he will answer questions regarding the history of diving, the exhibition items and the association itself. Participants should register at Sukellusjaosto’s forum. Old diving gear is accepted with open hands and …

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Divers’ Day 30.5.2019

The tenth annual Day of Diving on 30th of May is an event offering historical diving experiences to attendees. Welcome!

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Historical diving event in Stockholm 24.-26.5.2019

Our swedish friends Svensk Dykerihistorista Förening organises a historical diving event on 24.-26.5. in Stockholm at Dyktankhus next to the Vasa-museum. In the programme there is barbeque, festivities and diving demonstrations, a gala dinner, lectures and the event will end with a lunch.

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Pax Navis

Pax Navis on 23rd of May is the opening of the sailing season, with dive boats on display, and many old friends present.

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Events in May in Turku

There are two noteworthy events in May. Pax Navis on 23rd of May is the opening of the sailing season, with dive boats on display, and many old friends present. The tenth annual Day of Diving on 30th of May is an event offering historical diving experiences to attendees. Welcome!

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